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Tuesday 17 August 2010

SRS with medical condition: Diabetics

Case study from our patient:

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which blood sugar (glucose) levels can become abnormally high because the body does not produce enough insulin or is resistant to fully utilizing the insulin the Pancreas produces. My concern was that high blood sugars might cause poor circulation to the skin and subsequently permit infections that cause the surgical site to heal slowly prolonging my recovery or worse impacting the aesthetic outcome. I worried about how I would deal with, and who would assist me, to control my blood sugars while I was in recovery and all of that combined with the fact that my oral medications could cause complications with Anesthesia created a difficult set of circumstances. All of these things were on mind mind as I met with surgeons around the world and the decision to select Amit and his team became obvious as we discussed the surgical process and recovery program he proposed which anticipated that my recovery would be a bit longer than usual and pre-planned for complications. 

The disease did impact my recovery even with all the pre-planning. I experienced slower healing (about 50% slower) and an infection resulting from the wound being open longer. Although I'm sure everyone will react differently, I suspect this to be normal with diabetic patients and something that anyone like me should consider.

(To be updated)

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